
Free implementation of the game Final Fantasy 7 engine, designed to work with the original game data.

Became a developer

So, have you decided to lend a hand with V-Gears? Well, first of all, congratulations, and my sincerest thanks. Every help is very welcome.

But first, you have a bit of reading ahead of you. I suggest the build instructions, so you can start compiling the source code.

Then, you may wonder how to install V-Gears, how to extract data from an original Final Fantasy VII game (you'll need the PC version), or how to run V-Gears.

After that, you may take a look at the source code. It's fairly well organized, and heavily commented, but not always very intuitive. When lost, the source code documentation may help you

What to do?

Currently, there are many things that need to be implemented or fixed in V-Gears. This is a list of things that rapidly came to my mind, but you'll find many more to entertain yourself. You can also take a look to the roadmap to see the current state of the project and it's problems. Feel free to use the GitHub issue tracker when tackling any of them.